the souchi story

Friday, August 19, 2011

basalt........early august with the tulio girls.........brick pony

about 10 days ago, the souchi basalt girls (ok, melisa & i) decided we needed to have drinks at the new pub in town, 'the brick pony' with the basalt salon tulio, cashmere, cocktails (tons of vodka concoctions!) sweet potato fries, pizza, calamari & sunglasses were needed. and not to mention talk of boys, boobs, waxing & scissors!!

these girls are hysterical. meet some of my new girls:
linda (in souchi 'kehle' stripe cashmere), melissa (in the shiniest hair ever), molly (aka 'legs'...ok that's my nickname, but still, they are amazing!), kelly (the best smile and laugh!) and lil melisa (our new souchi girl in colorado!)


and well sweet jack because if he's not with me i'm thinking about that lil boy!!

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