i am putting up this photo in memory of her mom and my amazing grandma who died july 1, 1996. i don't believe that more than a few days have ever gone by without thoughts of her and a big smile...then some tears. i miss her all the time.
i like this photo because it reminds me of both my mom & grandmas love of crafts & kitsch and everything for the home. i know my mom is still holding on to the the dream that i will too.
so, in honor of her new found social marketing skills i will not shoot down that dream today.
now, mom, if you figure out how to 'comment' i may just put a picture of you up....BUT, it needs to be the photo from late 70's/early 80's with your wrap around pants and tube top....or the short shorts jump suit w/ espadrille wedges that you wore to take us to disneyland.
XO to you and nanny
your minimalist daughter.
So sweet. I lost my g'ma three years ago Sunday. I should be whipping up some good old southern food with sticks and sticks of butter in her honor.
got to love grandmas who love butter! i still crave my nanny's pancakes and chicken and rice! yummmmmmmmmm
Wow Mom is right! This will be my attempt at this form of communication. Yes I also remember her fondly. She was pretty amazing and most of all loved in a way that I have yet to find someone who can love without any reservations. If she loved you you could always count on it. I miss having her call and say "what is wrong"? She always knew, it was a connection that I truly miss, you could always depend on her and know she would never let you down. When I divorced - it was hard to tell her she was very religious and I was frightened. I will never forget her words, if you are not happy, I am not happy and I am here for you and the children always....such peace knowing she understood. The love to shop and enjoy clothing is very much genetic.....Mami's grandmother was an addicted shopper and then there was grandma and then my mom and I and well we all know Suzi's love for shoes....well mom had over 30 pairs when she became ill and they were heels and she was in her 80's so go figure! She always said when I get ready to meet my maker make sure I am fully dressed - and I made sure...from the undies to the heels...Danny picked the dress it had the NANA label so that was perfect for the Great Nanny. I am so sorry she was not able to meet all my grandchildren she met and loved Daulton, Josh and Kaela. Daulton would feed her bananas. When she met Danny within 5 minutes she knew more than I had gathered in 8 months.... She was a great judge of character, if she said you were not as you said - guess what you were not! The amazing thing was when she loved you - you could count on it lasting forever. No matter what happened she cared. even for those who had hurt her. What a wonderful heart. I miss the pastellios, chicken and rice with olives and capers and the hugs and the oh so many prayers.....I believe she is watching over us all. Thirteen years seems like yesterday....I still find myself remembering the funny stuff and her last thoughts "Mami I am tired"....she knew she had to let go....She said I do not want any sparklers....What she did not realize is she was the sparkle in our lives - the glue Mami I miss you. Thank you Suzi you have made my year! She is saying that's my beautiful talented and very smart granddaughter, Come home early, read your Bible and be safe!!
mom said...
I post a comment and it needs to wait for approval....from whom?
Suzi's mom said:
I also miss the chicken and rice with capers and olives, remember the pastellios.... She always knew when something was wrong.. shopping is genetic..at 80 years old she owned 30 pairs of heels... I am sure she is still praying for us...we need it! Suzi she is very proud of you I am sure...and would want a cozy afghan....
well friends, please note the 5:39 am comment from my mother AND you will all understand where i have received my abundance of patience yes....it just overflows :)
ok, mom, i liked the looooonnnnnngggg comment.
awesome suzi!!!!
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