well.....yes, ever, but it took a lot to beat the former best sunday (paris 1991 with jude and walking by printemps to see the ann demeulemeester shoes i'd been coveting for 3 months! to find out the only pair left is in the window, with scuffs (who cares!!) and they are my size! i don't believe i took them off that year. my first, and only understanding of cowboys....you know never wanting to take their boots off)....but i'm now distracting myself.
OK, so today is the best sunday ever. i've recently been reconnected thru, the devil (aka facebook) with the miller sisters. no, not those miller sisters. these are the better miller sisters. our families were friends from the time i was about 9-13. there were 3 of them and 3 of us johnsons. for sure, i assumed (as most girls do when they want to be family with their best friends) that my older brother would marry the older miller sister & my lil brother would marry lil miller and i, of course, along with middle miller would never marry but travel the world without a ball or chain! we were modern women at age 10.
cut too 2009.......and well middle miller and i aren't married and older brother/older miller are (not to each other!) and lil miller/lil brother are married (again not to each other though they have managed to repopulate the world with their 9 children between them! who is doing that in 2009?) anyways, i'm getting distracted again...
so middle miller (dell) and i have emailed all morning catching up (while i'm knitting like a lunatic). first thing this morning i got on itunes and spent a small fortune (again...ann demeulemeester was suppose to get that money) and bought tons of music memories circa the miller years.
yes, i was actually doing some dance moves AND i was not drunk nor on foreign soil, which after 1986 is the ONLY way to get me to dance! so the tunes/artists (yes they are!!) on the ipod today were:
motels, eurythmics, kim wilde, thompson twins, prince, joan jett, missing persons, berlin, scandal, pat benatar.......and some lita ford just well because....i love the beginning......'i went to a party last saturday night.....
music and the memories they bring up are the fastest way to laughter. i have been cracking myself up all morning. now, if you happen to be walking down the street that my knitting studio is on....well i will DENY that i was singing loud! LIES I SAY!!!
crooked hair, june bug (oh god remember that!)
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