this was a line told to one of our customers by her husband! it makes me happy and proud because it explains what i want souchi to be to people.
souchi should be like a friend (yes, i know it's 'just clothing'!) but it keeps you cozy and warm, cheers you up on a bad day and makes you feel great when you want to celebrate.
this brilliant and clearly observant man knew the importance of great quality cashmere and how happy it makes his wife.
ok, a tad silly, but i loved the line. but, women and men interested in fashion understand the moments we need with favorite items and how much you enjoy them.
so hear are some of my favorites from the souchi fall 2010 collection:
1) tara perfect cardi in lux #103 cashmere shown in shiitake
2) lara ribbed catsuit in #72 cashmere shown in shiitake (LOVE)
3) giselle dress in #72 cashmere shown in variegated truffle/shiitake
4) madame butterfly in lux #103 cashmere in black (oh sleeves!)
5) trina cardi cape in lux #103 cashmere shown in pate (with mina e/s crew underneath)
6) cp cardi w/ pockets #72 cashmere in morel w/ annette wrap skirt in morel (love the skirt!!) with our classic rib tunic tank in nut #66
7) liz hooded car coat in lux #103 shown in truffle
ENJOY.....with or without interruptions.
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