i had such a wonderful time in florence. i went crazy with my camera and managed to take over 300 photos in 5 days! i always have my camera in my bag....and not just when i'm traveling.
these are some of my favorites:
this first photo caught my eye after my shopping excursion to super cool shop luisaviaroma . i love this photo, because the colors were so vibrant in person that you could see it from the street at the end of a long hallway. what you say? well look at photo #2 to see the end of the hallway to see this amazing door!
wow! the ceiling, the door, door knob (i'm sure there is a more elegant name for this), the iron work....my goodness, i would love to see this everyday. what was also amazing is on the facade of the building there were globe light sconces in the same lavender. so pretty.
clearly i'm having a lavender moment and didn't even know it!
i spent my last morning in the boboli gardens with a caprese salad, tomato pizza and lots of water. it was the first time i had been there without snow. i brought my sketch book and color pencils and spent several hours designing spring 2011. how can you not be inspired with that view and green everywhere.
i shot this photo of the face from this angle because i loved how the trees & leaves sorta look like a wig.
i never seem to tire of mint/pistachio/turquoise, sky.....ahhhhh just so serene and fun and easy on the eyes.
for those of you who don't know me personally.......i LOVE DOORS! i have hundreds of photos of doors from all over the world. i love to see what people do with them. from a simple modern door, to overly ornate to raw, rotting wood and iron work. just makes me happy. plus, i think emotionally i have always relished the saying, 'when one door opens....'. i believe the saying as well as thinking sometimes you just have to open it yourself. now, if any of these doors closed in my face, i'm not sure i'd mind since they are so pretty.
skylights, lights, circles, again a function that can be done so well.
people often asks what inspires me? or what do you look for when designing or looking to be inspired? my answer is simple: i don't look at the world as a designer or as someone looking for inspiration. instead, i just look with my eyes and see where they lead me.
vision, literally, is something i don't take for granted. at nine years old, i got in accident and severed the nerves in my eye socket and was suppose to be blind and disfigured. well, when that didn't happen, they said i may be legally blind in that eye by the time i was 18. well, that didn't happen either.
so, i have no agenda besides just to see what is around me. i am sure i have and will continue to miss many things. but, to find beauty in the things around me is what interests me. and if i'm lucky i may just figure out why.